
The 3rd European Mantle Workshop aims at providing a framework of advanced knowledge on the evolution of the Earth’s mantle. The workshop is mainly intended to discuss the mantle beneath Europe and neighboring areas; presentations from other parts of the world are welcome. Main topics are:

  • mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies of mantle xenoliths, orogenic peridotites and the mantle section of ophiolites
  • inferences on mantle composition and evolution from the studies of volcanic rocks
  • experimental studies about production, migration and emplacement of mantle melts and fluids
  • mass transfer in convergent margins
  • geophysical studies of Earth's mantle
  • numerical models of the Earth's mantle
  • alteration, serpentinisation and carbonation of peridotite, and relationships with microbiology in extreme environments

The main themes will be approached by theoretical, experimental, thermodynamic, analytical, geochemical and macro/microscopic study of mantle sequences.